Support us

There are different ways to support Enable, either through different forms of donations or by becoming a volunteer: 



By donating to Enable, you will help safeguard the girls’ future. Only 200 DKK cover the cost of one girl for 80 days!

Your money goes towards:

  • Safe environment
  • Food expenditure
  • School materials and expenses

Give your contribution here

Become a member

Become a member of Enable by contributing only 100 DKK. That’s how you ensure that Enable can continue its valuable charitable work.




Become a member today

Become a sponsor

If you or your company would like to support our projects long-term, then become a sponsor of Enable and follow the projects in more detail.




Become a sponsor


Become a volunteer

We always need more volunteers to help with the work of Enable. If you would like to get involved in some of our active projects or to fundraise for us, it would be hugely appreciated.

Read more about how we can use your help!


Become a volunteer at Enable